June 29, 1936.

Miss Dorothy M. Housek
1801 Leavenworth Street
San Francisco, California

My dear Dorothy:
    This is to acknowledge with thanks receipt of your nice letter of May 19th. And I want you to know that your letter wasn't set aside and forgotten until this late date for it has been right in my notebook since the day I received it hoping to get time to write you a nice long letter and not just a fan letter reply. But things seem to keep a-humming around a studio, and keeps one on the run, which fact I believe you are now well aware.
    I wish to take this opportunity to thank you very kindly for your inviktation to dinner, and Mr. Laurel has requested me to extend his thanks for your nice letter. He was quite pleased with your letter and quite enjoyed with your frankness.
    Should I run across any photographs which I think you'd like, I shall be glad to forward them to you.
                Sincerely yours,
Ernest H. Murphy Signature

Note from the Editor

This letter was written and signed by Stan's personal secretary, Ernie Murphy.

Stan Watermark