Hal E. Roach Studios
                Culver City, Calif.

                February 3, 1936

Mr. Tom E. Wild,
Mission Village,
5631 W. Wash. Blvd.,
Los Angeles, Calif,

Dear Mr. Wild:
    Thanks for yours of the 30th. You may visit the studio with your family anytime now at your convenience. Please ask for my secretary, Mr. Murphy, who will be glad to show you around.
    I am sorry I am unable to get you or your daughters any work at the studio as employment has to be secured thru their regular procedure via the casting office and thru the heads of the various departments.
    You must realize it is utterly impossible for me to put the many hundreds of people I know of to work.
    Best wishes always,
Stan Laurel Signature SL/EM


Our next one for you is “The Bohemian Girl.” When it opens in London I would appreciate it if you would let me know what opinions you hear on it. It’s difficult for us to judge our pictures over there owing to the poor reception by the press in this country.

Stan Laurel

                Hal E. Roach Studios
                Culver City, Calif.
                U. S. A.

                February 28, 1936

James Reed, Esq.,
The La Scala Theatre,
155 Sauchiehall St.,
Glasgow, C. 2,

My dear Jimmy:
    Many thanks for yours of January 16th.
Very pleased to note that "Bonnie Scotland" did great business for you and that everyone was delighted.
    Our next one for you is "The Bohemian Girl". When it opens in London I would appreciate it if you would let me know what opinions you hear on it as I kind of hae ma doots. However, we have been fooled so often it's hard to tell, and it's difficult for us to judge our pictures over there owing to the poor reception by the press in this country.
    I am busy at present preparing for another feature. Haven't decided on title as yet.
    I had a nice letter from James McVey, Jr., and was glad to note that you had arranged a good tie-up with them. Want to thank you for the pictures of the parade etc. They were most interesting. McVey tells me he expects to make a trip over here in the near future. Hope you and Teddie do win that football pool and make the trip with him.
    Give my regards to all the gang. Trust you are all well and happy.
                As ever, your old Pal,
Stan Laurel Signature SL/EM

Stan Watermark