Postcard from Stan Laurel to Irene Heffernan
POSTCARD - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

                AUG 4th.'64.
Dear Irene [Heffernan]:
                Just a few more stamps.
Pleased to tell you am feeling much better - glad to be home again -
    Love & bestest from us both here to Jim & your sweet self -
    God Bless -
                as always -
Stan Signature                 x x

POSTCARD - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

Thank you [Maxine Warren] for the cute card conveying good wishes - appreciate the kind thought - I was only in hospital for a few days for necessary check-up - diabetic situation - am now back home & much improved - thanks again Maxine [Warren] - trust alls well with you and yours -
    My kindest & bestest -
                as always -
Stan Laurel Signature                 STAN LAUREL.

Postcard from Stan Laurel to Irene Heffernan
POSTCARD - 849 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA - TYPEWRITTEN

Dear Irene [Heffernan]:
                Just a few more stamps -
Love & bestest to Jim & Self from us both here -
                Haste -
Stan Signature                 x x

Stan Watermark