Stan and Ollie
Where are the letters?

Sorry, the Stan Laurel Correspondence Archive Project has no letters from this month and year. Even Stan and Ollie are perplexed. If you have an original letter from Stan or have a copy not included in these Archives, please add a copy of your letter by contacting us via e-mail at

Letter From Benjamin W. Shipman

May 4, 1940

Mr. Hugh C. Huber
Hal Roach Studios, Inc.,
Culver City, California.

My dear Hugh:
    Thank you very much for your check in the sum of $1500.00, on account of the bonus payment on the pictures made by Mr. Laurel.

B. W. Shipman

Letter From Benjamin W. Shipman

May 4, 1940

Mr. Hugh C. Huber
Hal Roach Studios, Inc.,
Culver City, California.

My dear Hugh:
    I can well appreciate how extremely busy you are but, at the first opportunity, I would appreciate your confirmation of the letter I sent you relative to the profit sharing arrangement, as it affects Mr. Laurel, on the two pictures completed by him during the life of the last contract with the Studios.

Sincerely yours,
B. W. Shipman

Stan Watermark